Dawn of the Falcon


Hello Internet,

My name is Harvey, and I am starting this blog to chronicle a project I’ve been kicking around in my head for several years: a CAD model of the most well known space ship from the Star Wars franchise: the Millennium Falcon.

Of course that vessel captured my imagination at a very early age. More recently, it has come to my attention that there were a number of discrepancies between the interior sets and the various exterior models that were built for the original trilogy (OT) in the Star Wars franchise. Thus some have referred to the Falcon as “the ship of riddles“.

A few years ago, a group of people on the Replica Prop Forum (RPF) embarked on the task of designing and building a full size replica of the Millennium Falcon (FSF), which would include a fully accessible interior. Naturally, this project requires some attempt to resolve these discrepancies, and these folks have chosen an approach that places primary emphasis on screen accuracy with respect to the interior portions of the ship. While I have the utmost respect for the FSF group and have been following their progress with rapt attention, my own preference is for a solution that has a more sensible (to me) internal layout. In my next post I will cover the discrepancies in more detail. Also, I will go into more detail about the FSF group’s approach, and contrast it with my own. Until then, happy internetting, and may the Force be with you!